Meltblown nonwoven fabric, meltblown nonwoven country Cedel, Cedel meltblown nonwoven select countries, applications meltblown nonwoven fabric, meltblown nonwoven equipment, meltblown nonwoven Which is better? Meltblown nonwoven purposes, meltblown nonwov
[Meltblown nonwoven select country Cedel quality and quantity trustworthy!]
Release date:[2016/9/2] Total access[1076]Secondary

The exact name of the nonwoven fabric should be non-woven fabric, non-woven, or called. Because it is a fabric which does not require the formation of spinning and weaving, but the short fibers or filaments of textile or random orientation support column structure formed web, and mechanical, thermal or chemical methods such as reinforcement made. Depending on the production process of the nonwoven fabric is divided into many types, today introduces the meltblown nonwoven fabric.

Meltblown nonwoven is drawn by the powerful hot air microfiber nonwoven fabric made of a fiber diameter of about 2 microns, it is the finest of all fibers.

In terms of liquid filter bags, meltblown nonwoven fabrics are widely used in oil bag.

Meltblown nonwoven fabric because of its special structure and materials used for the polypropylene and has a good waterproof and breathable, high efficiency filtration, collection compartment bacteria, canisters, insulation, thermal insulation, non-toxic, non-irritating, and other functions .

Meltblown nonwoven process: the polymer feeding --- melt extrusion --- fiber formation --- fiber cooling --- into the network --- reinforcement into cloth.

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