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[Blasting! This is the right posture to open the acupuncture nonwovens!]
Release date:[2017/3/10] Total access[3442]Secondary

China's new professional non-woven fabrics environmental protection authority brand, advanced production equipment, rich experience in production, praised by domestic and foreign customers trust!

What is acupuncture nonwovens?

Acupuncture non-woven fabric is a dry non-woven fabric, acupuncture non-woven fabric is the use of puncture needle puncture, the fluffy fiber reinforced into a cloth. Can be used for geotextile, geomembrane, velvet flannel, speaker blanket, electric blanket cotton, embroidered cotton, cotton clothing, Christmas crafts, human leather fabric, filter material for cloth.

National World of acupuncture non-woven fabric excellent performance than the general non-woven products, heart it, come to the World World procurement it!

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